At Intech, we recognize sustainability as essential to healthcare, aligning with our mission to...
Intech achieves bronze in EcoVadis sustainability rating
In the latest EcoVadis Sustainability Rating, Intech received a score of 59/100, earning the Bronze...
A new era after 25 years in its original buildings
After 25 years, Intech turns a major page of its history by completing its move to a brand new...
The move is on!
Intech's future is here and we are excited to give you a sneak peak into our brand new 120,000...
Breaking Barriers with FLASH: Uniting our Global Workforce
In today's fast-paced workplace, ensuring everyone is on the same page is paramount. But what if...
First visits for the new plant!
On Thursday, February 1, the President held his annual presentation for the Rang-du-Fliers plant....
Intech, at the WeTech show in Le Touquet!
On Thursday December 7th and Friday December 8th, our Rang-du-Fliers teams were present at the...
Intech at the heart of Industry Week
From November 27 to December 3, 2023 was Industry Week in France!
To mark the occasion, Intech...
Back to the apprentices' integration days !
At these 4 French sites, our apprentice Intechers will meet for a day with a packed program! The...